Free Practice Questions for LSAT Logical Reasoning (Strengthen)

Free Practice Questions for LSAT Logical Reasoning (Strengthen)

The takeaways
  • We've created (5) five Logical Reasoning LSAT practice questions to give you additional practice for Strengthen question types.
  • These questions were created by us and are not actual LSAT questions. If you're looking to drill real LSAT questions, check out our platform, AdeptLR.
  • Check out our guide on Strengthen questions here.

Free LSAT drill for Logical Reasoning (Strengthen):

1) Environmentalists argue that planting urban trees reduces air pollution by absorbing pollutants. However, some city planners claim that trees are too costly to maintain and do not significantly improve air quality. To counter this, environmentalists propose that planting more trees will noticeably enhance air quality in urban areas.

Which one of the following, if true, most strengthens the environmentalists' proposal?

A) Trees in urban areas require regular maintenance to survive in polluted environments.

B) Studies show that areas with higher tree density have significantly lower levels of airborne pollutants.

C) Urban trees can improve the aesthetic appeal of city neighborhoods.

D) The cost of planting trees is less than the cost of installing air filtration systems in cities.

E) City residents prefer parks and green spaces over commercial developments.

2) A recent study suggests that students who participate in extracurricular activities have higher academic performance than those who do not. The school board proposes increasing funding for extracurricular programs to boost overall student achievement.

Which one of the following, if true, most strengthens the school board's proposal?

A) Students involved in extracurricular activities spend less time studying than those who are not.

B) Extracurricular programs help students develop time management and social skills that contribute to academic success.

C) Many students prefer socializing with friends over participating in school activities.

D) Schools with extensive extracurricular programs have higher operational costs.

E) Some parents believe that extracurricular activities distract from academic responsibilities.

3) Nutritionists have observed that individuals who consume probiotics regularly have better digestive health. A health supplement company claims that their new probiotic drink will improve customers' digestive systems.

Which one of the following, if true, most strengthens the company's claim?

A) The company's probiotic drink contains a higher concentration of probiotics than any other drink on the market.

B) Some people experience side effects when consuming high levels of probiotics.

C) Regular exercise has been linked to improved digestive health.

D) The company's probiotic drink is more expensive than similar products.

E) A study found that probiotics survive better in capsule form than in liquid form.

4) An economist argues that implementing a universal basic income (UBI) will reduce poverty levels by providing financial security to all citizens. Critics contend that UBI could disincentivize work and harm the economy. The economist responds by claiming that UBI will, in fact, stimulate economic growth.

Which one of the following, if true, most strengthens the economist's response?

A) UBI provides the same amount of money to both low-income and high-income individuals.

B) A survey shows that a majority of citizens would reduce their working hours if UBI were introduced.

C) The cost of implementing UBI would require raising taxes on businesses.

D) Some economists believe that targeted welfare programs are more effective than UBI.

E)  In countries where UBI has been implemented, there has been a significant increase in entrepreneurial activities.

5) A biologist hypothesizes that a decline in bee populations is primarily due to pesticide use rather than habitat loss. Conservationists argue that habitat loss is the main cause. The biologist contends that reducing pesticide use will significantly restore bee populations.

Which one of the following, if true, most strengthens the biologist's contention?

A)  Habitat restoration projects have led to increased bee populations in several areas.

B) Bees in regions with minimal habitat loss but high pesticide use have experienced significant population declines.

C) Some pesticides have been found to have no harmful effects on bees.

D) Climate change has also been identified as a factor affecting bee populations.

E) Bees can adapt to new habitats more quickly than they can recover from pesticide exposure.


1) (B). The environmentalists claim that planting more trees will enhance air quality. We need an answer that directly supports this claim.

  • (A) states that trees require maintenance in polluted areas. This may explain why trees are costly but doesn't strengthen the claim that trees improve air quality.
  • (B) provides evidence that areas with more trees have lower levels of pollutants, directly supporting the environmentalists' proposal.
  • (C) mentions aesthetic appeal, which is unrelated to air quality.
  • (D) compares costs between trees and air filtration systems. While cost is a factor, it doesn't strengthen the claim about improving air quality.
  • (E) indicates residents' preferences but doesn't address the effectiveness of trees in reducing pollution.

2) (B). The school board wants to fund extracurricular programs to improve academic performance. We need evidence that supports the effectiveness of these programs.

  • (A) suggests that extracurricular students study less, which could weaken the proposal.
  • (B) explains that extracurricular activities help develop skills that contribute to academic success, strengthening the proposal.
  • (C) indicates a preference unrelated to academic performance.
  • (D) mentions higher costs, which doesn't support the proposal's effectiveness.
  • (E) presents a contrary opinion, potentially weakening the proposal.

3) (A). The company claims their drink will improve digestive health. We need to strengthen this claim.

  • (A) shows that their drink has a higher concentration of probiotics, implying it's more effective.
  • (B) mentions side effects, which could weaken the claim.
  • (C) introduces exercise as a factor, which is irrelevant to the drink's effectiveness.
  • (D) discusses cost, not effectiveness.
  • (E) suggests that capsules are better than liquids, potentially weakening the company's claim about their drink.

4) (E). The economist claims that UBI will stimulate economic growth. We need evidence supporting this.

  • (A) mentions equal distribution regardless of income, which doesn't directly support economic growth.
  • (B) suggests people would work less, potentially harming the economy, thus weakening the economist's response.
  • (C) introduces a potential negative economic impact, not supporting the claim.
  • (D) presents an opposing opinion, weakening the economist's argument.
  • (E) indicates that UBI leads to increased entrepreneurial activities, which can stimulate growth.

5) (B). The biologist claims that pesticides are the primary cause of bee decline and that reducing them will help restore populations.

  • (A) suggests habitat restoration helps bees, supporting the conservationists, not the biologist.
  • (B)  shows that even without habitat loss, high pesticide use correlates with bee decline, supporting the biologist's contention.
  • (C) indicates some pesticides are harmless, which could weaken the biologist's claim.
  • (D) introduces another factor (climate change), which doesn't strengthen the specific claim about pesticides.
  • (E) suggests bees adapt to habitat changes better than pesticide exposure, but doesn't provide direct evidence that reducing pesticides will restore populations.

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