Customizable drill experience

Drill Your Way

Easy to use drill filters that will allow you to drill every single LSAT question just the way you like it.
Targeted Drilling

Targeted Drilling

Tackling your weaknesses is one of the fastest ways to boost your LSAT score. Our filters enable you to focus on specific question types or passage types where you need improvement.

Toggle for Immediate Answer Display

Toggle for Immediate Answer Display

Decide whether to view the correct answer right away after answering, or opt not to. If you choose not to, you'll have another chance to answer the question if your initial response was incorrect.

Keep PrepTests Fresh

Keep PrepTests Fresh

Use our exclude PT setting to save fresh LSAT PrepTests for full practice tests.

Drill Questions by Difficulty

Drill Questions by Difficulty

Use our difficulty filter to drill LSAT questions by difficulty (1 to 5). But we still believe using our adaptive algorithm would provide the best results.

Question History Filter

Filter by Question History

AdeptLR’s question history filter lets you easily drill down through these 5 options.


Updated: New PT Numbering System

Our PT numbering system matches LawHub! Don't worry—PTs 1 to 18, 21, 23, A, and February 1997 are still available on AdeptLR, even though they were not renumbered into PTs 101 to 158.

This is what you need to get better at the LSAT. The AdeptLR platform lets you get super granular into your weakest sections and question types. I also appreciate the ability to filter by difficulty level. Drilling the hardest Sufficient & Necessary Assumption questions is how I finally broke through a plateau and consistently went -0 in Qs 20-26. It was also helpful for RC. The interface is very clean and retains all the features from the actually LSAC interface that you see on test day. The easy-to-access question explanations were also super helpful.

Sammy W

More Ways to Practice for the LSAT Effectively

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