Should I also take timed sections when drilling with AdeptLR?

Should I also take timed sections when drilling with AdeptLR?

The takeaways
  • Users who drilled plus regularly take timed sections improved more than users who only drilled or users who only took timed section.
  • Users who just took timed sections without any drilling showed the least overall improvement. 

Adaptive drilling is not the only feature on AdeptLR. We also offer LR timed sections as a practice option. Practicing LR timed sections is important and we’ve observed that drillers who regularly take timed sections have more robust improvement in their performance than those who take timed sections irregularly. Comparing users with similar numbers of questions drilled but different numbers of timed sections practiced (more than 25 timed sections vs. less than 25 timed sections), we’ve observed that users who drill and practice more timed sections showed improvement more consistently than those who didn’t. 

We have two hypotheses as to why:

i. Flexing brain muscles in different categories:
As noted previously, drillers often will target categories of weakness. However, on the actual LSAT, questions are never presented in systematic categories. Test takers need to be able to dissect and analyze different question types in real-time. Timed sections offer opportunities to actively train that brain muscle. 

ii. Speed:
Regular drilling sections provide opportunities to learn, understand and improve accuracy of LR without time pressure. However, succeeding in LR requires not only accuracy but also speed. Practicing with timed sections is important for improving time management and helping a user better prepare for the actual exam.

Finally, it’s worth mentioning that practicing just with timed sections does not seem to be the best strategy. Users who only practiced with timed sections showed the least overall improvement. 

AdeptLR users who drill and practice with timed sections regularly show the most robust improvement 

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