Free Practice Questions for LSAT Logical Reasoning (Sufficient Assumption)

Free Practice Questions for LSAT Logical Reasoning (Sufficient Assumption)

The takeaways
  • We've created (5) five Logical Reasoning LSAT practice questions to give you additional practice for SUFFICIENT ASSUMPTION question type.
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  • Check out our guide on Sufficient Assumption questions here.

Free LSAT drill for Logical Reasoning (Sufficient Assumption):

1) Implementing renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions compared to fossil fuels. We may safely conclude, therefore, that countries that implement renewable energy sources will reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

The conclusion above follows logically if which one of the following is assumed?

A) Countries that implement renewable energy sources will not simultaneously increase their use of fossil fuels.

B) Renewable energy sources are more cost-effective than fossil fuels.

C) The technology for renewable energy sources is sufficiently advanced for widespread use.

D) Countries with the highest greenhouse gas emissions have not yet implemented renewable energy sources.

E) Implementing renewable energy sources will not lead to a significant increase in other types of pollution.

2) Despite numerous studies on the environmental impact of plastic waste, the global production of plastic continues to rise. Therefore, raising awareness about the environmental impact of plastic waste is not effective in reducing plastic production.

The conclusion follows logically if which one of the following is assumed?

A) Efforts to raise awareness about environmental issues have been widespread and thorough.

B) The production of plastic is driven solely by consumer demand, which is unaffected by environmental awareness.

C) Alternatives to plastic are not widely available or adopted.

D) Reducing plastic production requires more than just raising awareness about its environmental impact.

E) Plastic production is primarily controlled by industries that do not prioritize environmental concerns.

3) All tasks that require deep concentration are mentally exhausting. Therefore, there are mentally exhausting tasks that are highly rewarding.

The conclusion of the argument follows logically if which one of the following is assumed?

A) Only highly rewarding tasks require deep concentration.

B) Some tasks that require deep concentration are highly rewarding.

C) All mentally exhausting tasks are highly rewarding.

D) Only tasks that are highly rewarding are mentally exhausting.

E) All tasks that require deep concentration are highly rewarding.

4) Any innovation that disrupts an industry faces significant opposition. Therefore, some innovations that face significant opposition are game-changers.

The conclusion of the argument follows logically if which one of the following is assumed?

A) Only game-changers face significant opposition.

B) Some game-changers do not disrupt industries.

C) All innovations that face significant opposition are game-changers.

D) Some industry-disrupting innovations are game-changers.

E) All game-changers disrupt industries and face opposition.

5) X, the tech startup in Rivertown hires more software engineers than all the other tech companies in Rivertown combined. Therefore, if the tech startup goes out of business, more than half of Rivertown’s software engineers will be out of work.

The conclusion of the argument follows logically if which one of the following is assumed?

Answer choices:

A) X n Rivertown hires exclusively software engineers from Rivertown.

B) Rivertown has more software engineers among its workforce than any other profession.

C) No other tech companies in Rivertown will increase their hiring of software engineers if the startup closes.

D) X employs no part-time software engineers.

E) All software engineers in Rivertown are currently employed either by X or other tech companies in town.


1) (A). If countries that implement renewable energy sources will not increase their use of fossil fuels, this would ensure that the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from renewable energy sources is not offset by an increase from fossil fuels, thereby sufficiently supporting the conclusion.

2) (D). If raising awareness alone is insufficient to reduce plastic production, this directly supports the conclusion that such efforts are ineffective.

3) (B). To bridge the gap between the premise (tasks requiring deep concentration are mentally exhausting) and the conclusion (some mentally exhausting tasks are highly rewarding), it is necessary to assume that some tasks requiring deep concentration (and thus mentally exhausting) are highly rewarding.

4) (D). To support the conclusion that some innovations facing significant opposition are game-changers, it must be assumed that some industry-disrupting innovations (which face significant opposition) are game-changers.

5) (E). The conclusion states that if X goes out of business, more than half of Rivertown's software engineers will be out of work. For this to be true, the argument must assume that X employs a significant portion of the software engineers in Rivertown. Specifically, we need to ensure that all the software engineers from Rivertown are employed by either X or the other tech companies from Rivertown. This assumption directly supports the conclusion because if all the software engineers from Rivertown are employed at either X or the tech companies from from Rivertown, then more than half of Rivertown's software engineers would indeed be out of work if X closes.

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